Saturday 28 June 2008


Artist: Leviathan

Metal: Death,Black


Tentacles Of Whorror   
 Tentacles Of Whorror

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 12

The Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide   
 The Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

Shrouded By Fog   
 Shrouded By Fog

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 7

Inspired by Scandinavian one-woman black alloy entrepreneurs like Bathory's Quorthon, Burzum's Count Grishnach, and the ubiquitous Mortiis, San Francisco native Jeff Whitehead adoptive the nom de guerre Wrest in 1998 and before long began self-recording and cathartic demos under the Leviathan aim. Within five years, these already numbered more than a dozen and were partially compiled on 2002's Verräter aggregation; simply Leviathan continued to favor short-form demos, EPs, and split releases (with the likes of Crebain, Xasthur, and Sapthuran) in the years that followed, only committing to full-length efforts with 2003's The Tenth Sub-Level of Suicide and 2004's Tentacles of Whorror. Wrest has besides contributed his undead outspoken talents to albums by Sunn 0))).

Amy tests negative for TB